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Assault and Battery Bail Bonds Services

The California Penal Code defines battery as the willful use of force or violence upon another person. Generally, it refers to any kind of unwanted or non-consentual physical contact with another person. An assault is actually defined as an “attempted battery”, or placing a person in fear of bodily harm from another person.

The individual charged with the assault must be considered reasonably capable of carrying out the attack. The target of the attack must also be aware of the danger, though that is not always true. Along with carrying criminal penalties, assault is also a civil wrong, which means the target of an assault may sue for damages, emotional, physical or financial, resulting from the attack.

Aggravated assault is the crime of attacking another person with a deadly or dangerous weapon, such as a gun, knife, or blunt object, in a manner that is likely to produce serious bodily harm. The use of other “weapons”, such as corrosive chemicals or throwing a chair at someone, is also considered aggravated assuault.

It is not necessary that serious bodily harm actually results from an aggravated assault when there is use of a gun, knife or other weapon that could or probably would result in serious injury if the attack were successfully completed. Aggravated assault is often connected with the commission of another crime, such as beating a clerk during a robbery. The crime of aggravated assault is usually a felony punishable by a term in state prison, or a misdemeanor with jail time.

If you or a loved one has been arrested for Assault, Battery, or Aggravated Assault please feel give Orange County Bail Bonds a call at  714-543-8688 24-hrs, 7 days a week for easy, fast and friendly bail bonds services. We will take the time to answer all your questions and make sure you get the best advise in your time of need


Tel: (714) 543-8688

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Main Office

Orange County Bail Bonds
1043 West Civic Center Drive
Suite 100
Santa Ana, CA 92703
Robert L. Miller – CA Ins. Lic.#1840710

Orange County Jail Assault Arrest – Orange County Jail Battery Arrest – Orange County Jail Aggravated Assault Arrest – Orange County Detention Center – Orange County Men’s Central Jail – Orange County Women’s Central Jail – Orange County Intake Release Facility IRC – Orange County Theo Lacy Jail Facility – Orange County James Musick Jail Facility Assault and Battery Bail Bonds