Die Bill, Die!

Die Bill, Die! No silly, I’m not proposing to murder someone named William. I’m referring to California Senate Bill 10, affectionately known as SB10, which is attempting to eliminate bail and bondsman as an industry throughout the state. Last we checked it was sent to Appropriations for further study. As of September 6, 2017, several… Continue reading Die Bill, Die!

Criminal Sexual Conduct Charges and the Law

We frequently hear in the news that a certain politician, entertainer or business executive is being accused or charged with some type of sexual impropriety, misconduct or sex crime.  What are the consequences of being charged with a sex crime and what can you do?   Being charged with a Criminal Sexual Conduct (CSC) crime or… Continue reading Criminal Sexual Conduct Charges and the Law

George Zimmerman Bail Bonds Hearing This Friday

Back in the early 90s, Rodney King plaintively asked “ can’t we all just get along?”   Rodney King who recently passed away, you’ll recall, was the black man beaten by white cops in Los Angeles whose acquittals  in the court system touched off devastating race riots in that city. Once again, it seems, our country… Continue reading George Zimmerman Bail Bonds Hearing This Friday

Japan’s Earthquake Doesn’t Need Bail Bondsmans

After Japan was hit with a severe magnitude 9 earthquake and tsunami, many of its people experienced a shortage of food and drinking water, but there is no panic or looting going on. In most places gas and water have been turned off along with electricity, yet there is no widespread panic or crime in… Continue reading Japan’s Earthquake Doesn’t Need Bail Bondsmans