Orange County Jails More Dangerous Than Ever

Pressure has continued to build up in local jails in Orange County after changes which were introduced in order to reduce the population in state prisons. The state law which is referred to as AB109 required non serious and low level offenders to be sentenced to county jails instead of state prison in order to… Continue reading Orange County Jails More Dangerous Than Ever

Orange County Bail Bonds Receives 2011 Best of Orange County Award

For the third consecutive year, Orange County Bail Bonds located in Santa Ana, California has been selected for the 2011 Best of Orange County Award in the Bail Bonds category by the U.S. Commerce Association (USCA). The USCA “Best of Local Business” Award Program recognizes outstanding local businesses throughout the country. Each year, the USCA… Continue reading Orange County Bail Bonds Receives 2011 Best of Orange County Award

Orange County Bail Bonds supports Bill Hunt for Sheriff of Orange County

“The Sheriff should be in the business of protecting

people’s rights, not restricting them.” Bill Hunt 2005

Orange County Bail Bonds Congratulates Bail Bondsman Scott Miner On His 10 Year Anniversary.

Scott’s fluency in Spanish and his warm compassion for people in distress, as most of our customers are, has made him a very important part of our business”